Friday, 10 February 2012

TASK 4// Identify, Summarise & Illustrate

10 things I've learned about myself as an Individual

1)  That this course is changing me- I find that I am slowly becoming more committed to this course and am becoming much more interested in working hard than doing anything else. To an extent I am happy with this but there are other hobbies I love and want to carry on pursuing!

2) I am rubbish at talking in front of more than 10 people- I have discovered from the course that I can't stand up and talk in front of people. Its something I need to get better as because its a talent which can easily change your future.

3) That I have reached a new level of working- I haven't worked this hard before and I'm only ready to work harder. This course is life changing and I can relate this answer to number 1. This course is all about discovering yourself as an individual and as a designer. This 3 years is what really counts and what will change my life for ever and thats something I'm sure the rest of first year are getting to know.

4) That university is nothing to what I could have expected- I think this is the only course is the world that works this hard, I know of friends that go into university maybe twice a week tops and spend the rest of the time drinking. Now, at first that sounded amazing! Now I couldn't think of anything worse. Waste of time and money. I save my drinking for the weekend.

5) Cooking isn't that hard- This isn't a joke, I never been able to cook. I lived with some friends last year in brighton and I rarely cooked, in fact I didn't. I'm living in halls by myself so its up to me to get cooking! It's quite fun but usually demanding after a long day at college.

6) I can be really moody- I have reached a new level of tiredness and frustration which seems to equal moody Simon. I've never seen this side to me before. I need more sleep I think.

7) I have no time for anything else to what I have at the moment- I hope you understand what I mean by this.

8) Music really helps me get through the day- There is always a time in the day especially when time is hard and I need to listen to music to calm myself down!

9) That I strongly dislike the weather in Leeds- Nobody should be expected to live in a city where sunshine doesn't exist!

10) That discovering 10 things I've leaned about myself as an individual is a lot harder than I thought- I've never been good at talking about myself

10 things I've learned about myself as a designer

1) That I am capable of doing a lot of work- Looking back at everything thing I have done I have forgotten at how much I have achieved and done. I think I can do more though which is a challenge I look forward to proving

2) How much I have learned- During this first semester I am amazed at how my work has changed- I am slowly but surly becoming aware at how to use software and how to produce legible and suitable work

3) That when it comes to typos I'm terrible- This is defiantly something I must improve in my work as one day there won't be someone looking over my shoulder and helping me. I have discovered loads in my work which I have been lucky enough to change before I go to print and there has been an incident where I printed work with a major typo.

4) That I am hardworking- Its obvious from looking through my blog I am very keen and have a deep interest into what I am doing.

5) How my style is design is changing- I looked back to the first thing I produced here and that was the survival kit. Terrible- I remember when I finished it I stood back and was actually proud of what I have achieved.

6) I am much more aware of the history behind art- Thanks to the lectures I have a greater understanding about the world of art.

7) I have a much bigger interest into graphic design- Quite a strange one to bring up but its true, I used to look at blogs but would only look at the work for what it was for the audience. Now I am used to breaking professional design down piece by piece to get to get a greater understanding of who its been put together.

8) That I am so excited to learn more- Its got to a stage where I am keen to better myself at design, I can't wait to get into letterpress. I have never done it before and have no idea how to use the machine but I know I will love it.

9) I am starting to look at my work and think it can be improved- I used to finish work, look at it and think yeah thats fine. Now however I always look at it and think it can be changed or made better. You could say I'm never pleased!

10) I have accepted I'm nothing special yet- This is the biggest point I have leant about myself as a designer. This course is good, really good and I am now working with some very talented young designers who are miles better than me and who have a much bigger understanding of CS and design in general. At school and for my foundation I got the idea I was a great designer! Its time to sit down and watch and learn and become the best I can possibly become.