Friday, 28 September 2012

Creative Industries// Why Am I Here?

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this program
  • During 6th form and even during my Foundation in Brighton I heard a lot of positive things about the Leeds Graphic Design course. Then after attending the open day I decided that the course was the right one for me.
  • Fred said that the course was very hard working at the open day lecture and thats what I wanted, I was worried of being part of a course that didn't push their students. I didn't want to slack during my 3 years at university!
  • The studios and the college in general had a perfect atmosphere that I knew I would be able to work in, and I was right! Students have great respect for each other and aren't loud or disruptive during college hours. 
  • I was truly amazed by the facilities around the college and knew that I would be getting my moneys worth. 
  • My last reason is simply the course seemed perfect for me. Its such a nice feeling that the course has met and overcome my expectations. I look forward to learning more this year abd becoming a better designer.
Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your time on this program
  • I am still yet to letterpress and this is something I really want to learn. I feel that this is something I have to organise myself and I am going to make sure that I get round to an induction of some sort. 
  • I believe that Web Design will be something we will be getting round to learning this year so I also look forward to it.
  • I want to start getting my work out there! I want to sign up to more blogs and start getting my work recognized. It sounds strange but it is something I need to learn!
  • Get used to the new CS6. From getting back to college I noticed the new software. I want to learn what new features they have and see if they can enhance my work.
  • Motion Graphics, again another thing that we will be getting round to learning this year. I want t learn this as it will be such a good skill to master and get good at. 
Identify and explain 5 skills that you think are your strengths  
  • I am certainly not the best in the year but I am very hard working and make sure everything is done to a strong level. As long as a keep that up I feel I will be able to achieve many things!
  • Being organised is a very important skill to have when it comes to graphic design as it makes you feel fresh and tidy which lead to a clean mind.
  • I feel I am very good at my blog, when I say this I mean I am good at keeping it updated, talking about my work etc. This is important as the tutors looking through you blog can find out exactly what my thought process was.
  • My photography is good and this is important when it comes to photographing and optimising printed final products. I find it so disappointing when someone produces beautiful work and photographs it terribly 
  • Overall I would say I am a dedicated student that does my best on the course.

Identify and explain 5 things that you want to improve 

  • My knowledge of CS6 is something I really want to improve as I still don't know how to use half the programs.
  • PRESENTING: I hate presenting as I'm not really the most comfortable person in front of crowds. I except that this is something I have to learn how to do and do well as its the key to my future as a Graphic Designer. Its how I am going to sell my self to a company.
  • Screen printing, I did the inductions and that was it! I think its the best way to make bags etc. Not only that but it simply look amazing once finished.
  • Grid and Layout is something I want to get better at as I found it quite confusing during first year. Even though I produced some ok work I was a bit confused when it came to the gutter etc.
  • Type, it doesn't really appeal to me at the moment but I need to get better at it!
Identify and explain 5 ways that you will elevate your progress
  • Getting group feedback has to be the best way for me to elevate my progress as you find out what people really think. In terms of design, negative feedback is good feedback
  • Module grades are good way also. If you don't get a grade you are happy with naturally you will try much harder the next time round.
  • More design sheets, this summer I did loads of design sheets and it really helped me get a much better idea of what to do. Last year I wasn't too bothered about them and I've really learned my lesson!
  • When the studio is busy this always gets me working harder. Its something to do with my fellow peers getting on with their work. Makes me so comfortable to do the same.
  • Try to work that little bit harder, I think that might kill me but its so important I try my hardest for this year and it will make such a difference to my future
Identify 5 questions that you want to find the answer to
  • Will I get a internship this summer!? I really would like one, I have never experienced any sort or real life working atmosphere before.
  • Will I get a job after uni? Because that would be really nice, getting money would be really nice also.
  • WILL I get round to letterpressing this year? I think only I can answer that
  • Will I get a 2:1 this year. I would be so happy if I left the course with a 2:1. A first is out the question but a 2:1 is a really comfortable grade to leave uni and second year with.
  • Will I enjoy motion graphics? just the thought of it feels like its going to be really hard. Learning any new program is always really difficult but from seeing the second years doing it last year I am really worried that I am going to struggle. 
Identify and explain 5 things that inspire you

1)Music is something that always gets me through any hard times I might experience. It is always a good way to cure stress also.


2) Rollerblading is what I do aside from graphic design and; Its taken me around the world and inspired me in to be the person I am today, from music to dress sense. 

3) Designspiration is a blog that always inspires me, they always manage to find the best work from around the world.

4) Nice Weather is always something that inspires me and makes me happy, I simply love the atmosphere that comes with it. Especially cold weather!

5) The movies of Wez Anderson are incredible, never fails to disappoint me.

Identify 10 examples of design that illustrate you creative interest.

1) Jack Daniels does LetterPress, after I watched this video I feel in love with it. I would love to work in that sort of inviroment. Its no quite graphic design but its so interesting.

2) 3) 4) Packaging Design, work looks so much better when placed on objects.

5) 6) 7) Screen prints : I love it how most the time you get that lovely work look from screen prints. 

8) 9) Buisness cards: I like the idea of making a nice business card for myself :) 

10) Booklets : I like books more then anything else in design, I find the way they can fold and contain information is so much more interesting than lets say posters. of course posters have a completely diffrenet job to do than the book but its the job of the book that i admire.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Why am I here?

5 Skills you think are your Strengths:
  • Hard Working
  • Documenting and Explaining work produced 
  • Organised 
  • Photography 
  • Dedicated 
5 things you want to Improve:
  • My Knowledge of CS6
  • Type
  • Screen Printing 
  • Grid and Layout 
5 Reasons why you chose this Program: 
  • It has a very good reputation 
  • Hard Working
  • Good Working Atmosphere 
  • Good Facilities 
  • Perfect For ME!
5 Things you want to learn:
  • Letter Press
  • Web Design 
  • How to get my work out there!
  • Get to grips with CS6
  • Book Binding
5 ways to evaluate your progress :
  • Get regular feedback 
  • More design sheets 
  • Work that little bit Harder
  • Module grades 
  • busy studio environment 
5 questions you want to know the answer to:
  • Will I get and internship this Summer?
  • Will I learn motion graphics this year?
  • Will I learn web design?
  • Will I get a Job after uni?
  • Will I learn Letterpress
Problems that may arise:

  • being too busy
  • falling behind
  • running out of money
  • being burgled
  • technology failing
  • forgetting about a brief
  • being late
These were the most important questions and statements that came up most in the groups:

  • How did the course gain a good reputation?
  • How can I manage to improve Time Managment and Punctuality?
  • How do I improve essay writing skills?
  • How do we learn and improve Web and general Software Skills?
  • What rates do we charge as designers?
  • Will I make it?
  • How can I evaluate/reflect my progress
  • How can I gain more confidence when presenting?
  • What do I want to specialise in?
  • How do I become better informed about what is going on in the industry?
  • Monday, 24 September 2012

    Level 5 Evaluation

    The following form is designed to focus your self-evaluation, personal reflection and design strategy planning for the second year of the course. This should help you to identify necessary areas of interest, working practices, aims and ambitions when planning your return in
    September. More importantly it should help you identify specific issues that you need to address, skills you intend to develop and creative/ professional aspects of design practice that are relevant to you as an individual.

    As this is form focuses on you as an individual you may find you need to add certain criteria, skills or areas that are relevant to you and
    your aims. There are spaces left for you to add content.

    Your evaluation will form the basis of discussion during your first tutorial in the second year.

    Your response to this task should be posted to your PPP blog and labelled ‘PROGRESS EVALUATION 04/05’


    5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

    Attendance: 5
    Punctuality: 4
    Motivation: 4 
    Commitment: 5
    Quantity of work produced: 5 
    Quality of work produced: 4
    Contribution to the group: 3


    Communication - verbal: 2
    Problem Analysis: 3
    Communication - written: 3
    Problem Solving: 4
    Communication - visual: 4
    Content Development (Research): 4
    Organisation - time: 5
    Conceptual Development (Idea Generation): 4
    Organisation - project: 4
    Visual Development (Visual Skills): 4
    Organisation - personal: 5
    Media/Material Experimentation: 3
    Presentation - crits: 2
    Evaluation & Selection: 3
    Presentation - assessment: 2
    Finishing Skills: 4
    Presentation – Blogs.: 5
    Production Skills: 4


    Identify 5 ways in which you aim to extend your strengths an/or address areas for improvement.

    1. Become much more comfortable when presenting in front of people. This still terrifies me but it is something I have to become better with if I want to succeed. 

    2. Make sure to practise and practise my presentations so I know what I am going to say properly and professionally. 

    3. Make sure to take all feedback into consideration so as to make my work is more suitable for the audience. 

    4. Check spelling thoroughly so insure everything makes sense 

    5. Think about how I could improve my final design once finished. 


    Library: 3
    Magazines: 2
    Internet: 5
    Study Visits: 2
    Online Content: 3
    Contextual Research: 3
    Documentation (Blogs.): 4


    Design Skills

    Grade the level to which you will prioritise developing your skills and understanding of the following: 

    5= highest, 4 = high, 3 = necessary, 2 = unsure, 1 = low


    Typography - Font Design: 3
    Typography - Layout/Grid: 3
    Screen Print: 2
    Bookbinding / Paper Craft: 2
    Letterpress / Printed Type: 2
    3D Materials & Media: 3
    Photography & Studio lighting: 4


    Packaging: 3
    Editorial (Magazine): 3
    Publishing (Book): 4
    Retail: 3
    Promotion: 3
    Branding/Identity: 3
    Information graphics: 4
    Signage/Wayfinding: 4


    Ethical Design: 2
    Sustainable Design: 3
    Digital Innovation: 3
    Print Production -Paper/Format/Finish: 4
    Handmade to Digital: 4
    Designer Led Practice: 3
    Client Led Design: 3
    Commercial Design: 3



    Photoshop: 4
    Illustrator: 3
    Indesign: 4
    Dreamweaver (web): 0
    After Effects (Motion Graphics): 0
    Fontographer (font design): 0


    Design for Web: 0
    Design for Mobile Technology: 0
    Interface design (DVD, Mobile tech.): 0
    Moving Type (TV ,Film): 0
    Motion Graphics (TV, Film): 0


    Music publishing & Promotion: 2
    Fashion Branding & Promotion: 3
    Corporate Identity: 3
    Exhibition Design: 3
    Retail Branding & Interiors: 3
    Design for Social Change: 3
    Product, Promotion, Packaging: 3
    Self Publication & Print: 4


    Independent Practice

    Others (please list on your blog.)

    Identify 5 things that you aim to achieve during level 6, explain why you want to achieve them and how you intend to go about achieving them. Grade them in terms of level of priority.

    1. Understanding of all programs as that has to be the most important thing when getting my ideas from paper on to screen. I will get better at this by teaching myself outside of college. I feel that that is what is needed if I want to get a good understanding. 

    2. Become ALOT more confident in my self when it comes to presenting in front of people. This has to be the one thing I dislike about the course! I simply can't stand being stood in front of people and talking. It has to be something I improve on.

    3. Take the time to not rush and keep calm. During first year I would often panic and not design to my full potential. It has defiantly improved since but it still has to improve.  

    4. LETTERPRESS. I always said during first year this was something I wanted to do but I never got round to it somehow. I feel that it will help me execute my work mush differently into a style that I can make my own. 

    5. Screenprinting, again, something I didn't to a lot of, I want to get really good at it so as to execute my work better.