Friday 23 September 2011

"Let's Press"

This video was filmed at the University of Art, Camberwell. It shows the process of how you Letter Press. I think its the process that really interests me with this video. I have always preferred old cameras. The long process of taking the photos and then developing was always so exciting. I think that my love for photography reflects on this. It seems that you have to spend a long time setting up the letters and making sure the machine is clean; Then, after all that effort printing out a piece of work that you are  honestly proud of. I'm not sure when but I can't wait to get stuck into letter pressing. I have no idea how it will go but I am determined to stick at it.

'Strawberry Militia and Graphic Fury presents in association with the University of the Arts London 
‘Let’s Press’ a film about letter press.' 
Produced by Archie McLeish, starring Benoit Ollive co-starring James Edgar.