Thursday, 26 January 2012
Evaluation, Focus, Develop // Key Questions
What is the Problem?
Even though I have been working hard, I still seem to find myself heavily behind on work. I feel this module compared to 403 has been very unorganised (myself to blame) and I've been slightly confused to what has been going on. I think this is because there have been briefs set towards to beginning of the first term which have suddenly crept up on me.
What subject/area of study are you focussing on?
100 things, Grid & Type, & Photoshop Brief. Grid and Type is not expected in for the 405 Though so this is something I could forget about for the meantime. BUT, thats what I did for 405 last year and look what happened. I forgot about certain projects and it put me in the dark.
To what depth are you investigating this area/ subject? Is this sufficient?
It has been very sufficient but recently I have been stuck on other projects. This is my on fault. I am still moving on slowly though and as this is happening I am finding myself to be getting slowly more organised. My research though is becoming strong and I can use it to design. In all honestly it hasn't been that sufficient as it got to a point where most of my research was becoming quite pointless.
What is the form and amount of your research to date?
I have a thorough amount of research for 100 things. I recently did a survey where almost 200 people responded and this had helped considerably. Aside from that I have been looking into news websites online. Newspapers like the times online had a lot of interesting facts about slavery. During this brief I have done a lot for 100 things. I would say about 80% of it is completely useless. I remember Amber saying that this was a brief that is very easy to get stuck or lost on as its big. I got to a stage where I was stuck and my research wasn't going anywhere. Luckily after a some surveys and some good pieces of information I was able to stand up and crack on.
What visual material do you have to work with?
There hasn't been any I don't think. All my researching was done over the computer and in all fairness this was by far the best way to work. I could have spoken to people in person about slavery but I decided the questionnaire survey was the best was to tackle that area.
Is there an appropriate amount of work for the time you have had to develop it?
-I've been focusing on other work too much recently and now I only have 6 or so days to finish 100 things. I know I will get it done though but to answer the question I have more than enough work to be getting on with and I believe that goes for everyone on the course. I need to knuckle down and focus on what need to be done now- My mind begins to think of what needs top be done in the future and I panic.
If there isn't why is this? How could you improve your work rate?
I can't answer this as I have a lot to do and my work rate is well above average at the moment.
What is your Timescale? When is the Deadline?
The dead line is Monday the 6th of February but I am printing next Wednesday which only gives me 6 days. I am confident to get it all done. I usually stay in college after hours but I am going to have to do that more that usual the next week or so. I don't have CS at home which actually radically changes my timescale. After a day at college I am usually mentally tired and need a break. When I go home I relax for an hour and then find that I have the energy to work. So I come back to college! With ou a doubt my timescale is good and if I carry on working in this way I will find myself finishing in good time for module hand in
What is achievable in the time available?
Any thing is achievable, I just need to think straight and get going! I've got to produce 9 pieces of work for 100 things in 6 days. I could go on but reading the answer the question above that will answer this in depth
What methods are you using to evaluate the progress of your ideas?
I just finished making a design sheet to get my head in gear. Its helped me develop one poster so far and that poster has actually given me more ideas for another one. I'm terms of research I am looking in to info-graphics for design ideas. With the information I have now I can get designing I just want to find some inspiration.
What are you identifying as areas worth developing further?
My knowledge of information graphics. I have looked in to 'Information-is-beauilful' by Mccandless and I am getting a firm grip in to how to make information understandable and legible for the audience. I am also thinking about what else I can do apart from posters. I was thinking postcards or even another hotdog book.
What are you trying to communicate?
I am trying the communicate modern day slavery and the horrible facts about it. Through information graphics I will hopefully produce a set of 10 products that are there to make this horrible industry aware to people and make them react to it. Make the audience help fight.
What audience have you identified?
I think that after thought the audience is a big one. You can't really but a name on one. If i had to 16- 80 years of age. Its a charity based design. The posters will inform and then direct people to a website for more information and if they want to to help.
Who are they?
Anybody who need to know, this can be anyone. Again like I said above it can be any audience, who ever wants to get involved with this organisation (ilo)
What problem(s) have you identified?
The research I did has mostly proved useless and in a result I became stuck. I have started to dig myself out and now I am in a better place. I am in a position where I can start to crack on with work
How to you intend to solve this (these)?
Do more research relevant to my products and run with the my strongest research.
What is your intention?
At the moment. Start designing. I am just researching and I could be designing upon the information I have found out already. I don't have enough to design 10 products but I certainly have enough to start designing a few. I can design and research at the same time.
Have you moved on from your initial starting point. If so how and why?
I have yes, like anyone I started with only a lot of research for a project I had no idea would be about. I now have ideas for design. I have moved on because thinking back to the beginning of the project. We had a very broad subject area. I had 'The clothes indusrty' and that was just ridiculous. I could do loads and loads of researching and I found this research to be poinless. However, it steered me towards slavery in the clothes industry and then on to child labour and then just Modern World Slavery. So, thinking back to what I have already said in this questionnaire about all my research being pointless. It hasn't been, I would be where I am now without it all.
What methods are you using to document this development?
After every change in my work or thought in my head it is put on to my blog. I haven't done it any other way. I have wanted to put it in my sketchbook but theres too much of it it seems pointless. I have printed it all out and put it in a folder, I found that when this came to working it was a better way of going back to fins previous information.
What processes will you need to develop your work?
Design sheets are always a strong was of getting what is in you head on to paper. Its a good way of looking differently at your thoughts.
Design sheets are always a strong was of getting what is in you head on to paper. Its a good way of looking differently at your thoughts.
Do these processes require workshop access? // When do you intend to access these workshops?(LAST TWO QUESTIONS TOGETHER)
Yes, the workshop has been very useful as I can't work from home. I can only design in the workshop but I can research outside of the college. My room in halls isn't the best working environment and theres no real reason what so ever. I tend to work better in a real working environment and the workshops are a perfect example of a 'working environment'
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Magazines// Sport & Travel
Sport Magazines
1) Kick!
Here is my first example for sport magazine. Its quite obvious that this publication is a football magazine targeted towards to younger generation. Therefore a magazine for male children. I say this because of how busy the cover is. There is so much energy and thats something you can link with young boys of the age around 8-11. Again a child of this age is (as a stereotype) quite loud. On this cover I can locate more than 10 exclamation marks. Finally young children love to collect things like stickers and cars. This magazine gives you free stickers and 10 free posters. For me anyway I find it not legible, but for someone of a younger age its perfect! Just the design they need to keep them interested.
2) France Football
Now this magazine is obviously a magazine for football loving men. The layout, type and imagery are simple and just say- this is a magazine targeted at those who love football. I honestly think this is the worst magazine cover I have seen in a while. That statement might change as this week goes on and I discover more magazine covers from different areas. The representation of Ronaldinho seems conventional for the magazine. The gold football connotes in this case success and is saying to the viewer that Ronaldinho has won in some way. I was going to talk about colour to. This is a French magazine, the colours are very similar to the flag- Apart from there being no blue. But possibly in other issues this is something they concentrate on.
3) Kingdom Magazine (Rollerblading Publication)
Rollerblading is such a sorry sport in that there is no money in the industry. This magazine was owned by my friend but had to close down after only 4 issues. It was such a love of mine and I am such a fan of it. Maybe why I like the design so much? I think the imagery gives away what the magazine is. I love the title too. The 'O' being this 'Kingdom Inline Media' with conventions taken from the royal air force. The text down the side I think could maybe be a bit bigger as in terms of legibility its not that clear. The colour however makes the text stand out massively against the black & white photograph. This would most defiantly attract a rollerblader. It has all the right conventions to do such a duty.
4) Sidewalk (Skateboarding)
Again with SideWalk their magazines are hugely conventional for such an area. The title is nice and clear and the imagery gives off a massive hint that this is indeed a skateboarding magazine targeted at skateboarders. The information at the side when the magazine is shown at full size is legible and thats the same with the font used.
5) Maximim Golf (American)
Yes its very clear to see that its a Golf magazine but this must be the WORST magazine cover out there to date. Its just terrible. Who designs these? I get the idea that golfers just want to news and monthly gossip. The text is huge! The red 'Hit It Dead Solid PERFECT'' DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENCE first of all and its completely taking away the title and imagery. I think the reason the magazine is like this is because its american. I highly doubt you would find an English Golf magazine like this anywhere.
6) Golf Monthly
I think the only difference in the two is the USA version has exclamation marks dotted about and this one doesn't. This magazine isn't as 'cheesy' too. Again, I think that this is a rubbish front cover. Theres nothing creative about it. Just words splattered on top of a representation of a conventional stereotypical golf player.....and thats what makes it sell. Not the crap text and shoddy layout but the fact that this is a magazine about golf for people that play golf. They don't care what the design is saying, they just want the latest on how to putt professionally...I assume.
7) Surfer Magazine
I actually quite like this magazine cover. I like how the Title goes behind the wave making the wave appear much more dominant and powerful. Although it appears small here I like the text on the left hand side. The font really works for me. The surfer in the middle is positioned perfectly too, straight in the middle. Conventional and its easy to say this is a main stream surfer magazine.
8) Rugby World
This magazine just reminds me of the golf and football magazine. However they might be glad to know that I actually prefer this to the others. Its terrible it works. I'm not sure what else to say. The flag in the bottom left corner gives off the patriotic feel and the red and white text makes this statement more clear. Theres a lot happening image wise on the top, maybe this would attract the audience more, it gives off that theres a lot to the magazine in terms of information, gossip? general news would be better than gossip. Lastly have a Rugby legend on the front cover seals the plot. Any rugby fan will see this and most probably by it JUST because of the representation of Johnny!
9) Tennis World
This isn't in English so its probably not the best example but i chose it just because it doesn't look as rubbish as the Football, Rugby & Golf magazine. The colours work well with what the male representation is wearing. I think the representation works too, he's not playing table tennis. But I'M Guessing the clothes give it away or maybe even the fact he's Japanese/ Chinese. A huge stereotype there but for me thats what I see. I am mealy a viewing customer not even interested in the sport. The 2008 have the same colours as the Olympics so thats a very good connection.
10) OnBoard
OnBoard is a snowboarding magazine that I found in my room. I like the text used and the black and white works well. Very legible and unlike the other magazines there is no other added text. I think the sub heading pretty much gives you a good idea of what you are getting in side ' The European Snowboard Photo Annual.
Conclusion for Sport Magazines.
After looking at a total of 10 magazines in this field I can say that half are good, and then other really arn't. The magazines to do with 'Extreme Sports' have very similar layout and look. The Titles, the imagery the text, the layout, they are all identical! Obviously apart from the main representaion. Football and Golf magazines (for example) are terrible! They contain no style or format. Its just mess on a page. Its almost like they are forgetting that there is a whole magazine inside where they can put that information thats ruining the front cover. Imagine Golf Monthly for example, but with the same look and fonts and general effect as Surfer or Sidewalk Magazine. The transformation would be incredible!
Travel Magazines
1) Islands
Travel magazines are simply a simply magazine with good and possible bad reviews about certain locations in the world where you might find yourself on holiday. The main purpose of such a magazine is to give you a good idea of where to go on holiday. This cover here is very conventional for this magazine. There is no reason to see the woman face or know her identity. All you need to know is that could be you in a couple of months. If she and the boat weren't there the cover would be much diffrent. It would probably look like a magazine aimed at Photographers. The text and font is boring but is there to be legible and readable, which therefore makes it perfect for the job. The audience isn't interested in perfect layout. They want a magazine that has beautiful photos and text that they can easily read.
2) Budget Travel
Representation of a conventional attractive couple, and judging by their huge smiles they are having the time of their life. The name Budget Travel says it all really, and the sub heading 'Beach Getaways $100) helps to let the audience know that they are in for a bargain. The target audience looks as if to be for a happily married couple from the ages of 27- 40? Just a wild guess. Or of course its just for anyone looking for a cheep holiday. The colour of the heading text and most of the other text too is purple which is quite a feminine colour
3) The Sunday Times
The sunday times travel magazine. Straight away its clear to see that this particular magazine is targeted at women. The representation, the text and the colour of the text. All very feminine. The photo is one that suggests there is no other place like this is the world. Somewhat of a perfect retreat for you and your partner?
4) Sherman's Travel
First thought is not the best Representation for a magazine trying to sell London to the mass. This front cover is basically implying that London is this horrible congested city where only black cabs exist? Looking back at that statement I would very much agree with that. In terms of running with stereotypes (which this front cover is obviously set out to do) they have done pretty well. Black Cabs, obvious connection with london and connotes lonson. The Red, White and Blue text is connecting with the union jack. Maybe, they wouldn't have anybody else but I conventional white british male sitting in the front of that cab. This isn't a racist remark against me or Britain but words almost can't explain why this has been said.
5) Budget Travel
Another very conventional travel magazine, The representation fits perfectly with the sub title, the sub title being 'Italy'. This picture looks very much like italy, of course it might not be but the huge Title is suggesting that this is Italy. The magazine after all isn't going to lie to you. At the bottom of the front cover there are other places that you can read about. Provence, bosten etc. The target audience for this magazine I would say would be around 30+ years old. Not any younger, this cover isn't actually exciting and won't attract a younger audience.
6) Islands
This cover has a very similar look to the cover above about Italy. Theres something else I didn't mention for the Italy cover and that there are no human representations what so ever which makes the cover seem almost a lot more dull and quite. Then again thats probably exactly what the audience wants , I quite retreat to an island where they can escape real life. Like the magazine above this magazine is target at people of the ages 30+. Younger people would most probably expect maybe a bit more action or a young representation enjoying the sun.
7) Escape Artist
Here is a very different looking magazine, keep thinking it is more of an art book but I like how unconventional it is. This would not attract anybody looking for a magazine to do with holidays. These illustrations won't work in our modern society, people want nice representations of people in beautiful scenery. This looks like its for a person or 50+ looking for inspiration on painting.
8) Travel
This is very much the same as the magazine/ book above. The painting is very nice but there is no information on the page. I think this suggests that this is not a magazine but again a book probably to do with art. 'Travel' possibly suggesting that you will travel on a journey viewing paintings from across the world (Just a thought). One thin about this is as someone who knows nothing about this publication I don't know what its about. I can only put one and one together and the one and one is the title and the painting. Possibly suggesting it is indeed a book on fine art.
9) Sherman's Travel
This Sherman's Travel is different to the other one (the other one being the magazine on london). To me this looks to much like a fashion magazine, this representation is unconventional and doesn't suggest a week out in the sun. 'Smart luxury awards...' doesn't say a lot either. I think that they could put Fashion Weekly or something at the top and everything else would work. Target audience would most defiantly be woman. Male gaze might come into it but over all this is a magazine targeted at woman. I just realised that this is a winter issue. Maybe this has something to do with the strange front cover. Finally you can link the suitcases to travel or traveling.
10) Come to Nigeria
Very conventional cover. A couple enjoying the sun and sea on the beach, thats something no one would say no to. The representations of the couple have their back to us suggesting that we are having a sneak preview on their holiday. The title is good, smart conventions with the Nigerian flag and this colour is carried on into the text at the bottom of the cover. Because it is just a magazine about Nigeria the target audience will simply be people looking for a good deal or good review of this country. The male and female representations make me think that this is directed at possibly a middle ages couple. 25- 35?
Conclusion for Holiday Magazines & Sport Magazines
The holiday magazine all look actually the same, they all have the same text, same representations, same information on the front. The look and layout of these magazines are strikingly similar to the football, golf and table tennis magazine. I think thats because compared to the extreme sport magazines they are mainstream and need to be simple and heavily conventional in order to work and attract an audience, who lets face it is pretty much anyone looking to go on holiday and the audience for golf, table tennis and football is most probably a lot bigger than the audience for an extreme sports magazine.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
General Publications// Takeaway Menus & Promotional Flyers
Promotional Flyers
1) Shuffle
This Flyer from first glance is obviously going to be directed at a young audience looking for a DJ playing mainstream hits or drum & bass. The music choice from first glance isn't at all obvious. all you know is there is going to be a DJ there. 'Drinks from 80p' is defiantly going to attract a wide young audience as cheap drinks go down very well with poor uni students. The pink connects with girls while stereotypically the blue connotes boys. So in all a very conventional flyer. Aimed at girls and boys. You wouldn't find a flyer that was aimed at only boys.
2) Club Event
This flyer has what music is going to be playing that night and the male representation dancing reflects this type of music. The text works well and looks like the volume meter you would find on any DJ kit. The colours have the same blues and pinks as the last one, reaching out to a male and female audience. Another very conventional thing to put on a flyer is how much drinks will cost. This seems to a be an on going competition between clubs
3) Tribecca
Blue and pink used again here. The female representation is a beautiful mix raced girl who looks like to be dancing or listening to music. This representation will tell the male audience that there will be pretty girls there and therefore attract them to this night. 'Ladies free before 12am' is an attempt to get more girls to the club so that they will not face the disaster of only boys turning up. This is a mainstream club night flyer
4) Indie-Rock Night
What looks like to be a european flyer for a indie rock night. Easy to tell from the text and the representation. In the bottom right is a line up of band thats will play (Obviously a DJ set). The black and white associating with vintage or retro. Male representation playing guitar strong links with the music playing during the night.
5) Vintage Basement
Flyer for a vintage shop selling vintage items and clothing. The 'Vintage' and 'one of a kind vintage clothing' written in the old fashioned type writer, strong connotations with vintage and retro. The grid background I think works with the design but I would associate that with school and maths. Then the male and female representations wearing vintage clothing, conventional deign purpose.
6) Girls & Boys
Picture of marilyn monroe who was a figure back in the 50s, you can relate her with the birth of rock and roll. No colour is used her just grey scales. Adds to the vintage feel of the promotional flyer. The text isn't very retro or old but is clear and legible. Its easy to understand what the night is on and how much it will cost.
7) Death Promotions
Obviously a night of metal rock and various other genres related with that. Clear connections with hell and death. You can tell this from the skulls in the top left and right corner and the yellow and red colour made out to appear patchy. The text is conventional for such a genre too. Its the sort of leaflet where you will quickly glance at it and understand what it is promoting.
8) New Noise
New noise, this leaflet has bags of information and looks like it has little imagery. In actual fact the text is just covering all the imagery. Not a good leaflet in my opinion at first glance there is too much information to take in. Something i forgot to say about the last leaflet and indeed this one is its targeted at a small auidience. these are not mainstream leaflets they are only trying to appeal to one audience and thats the music these people listen to. It not everyday you here of a 'emo punk night' so if a fan of such music was to come across this flyer they would keep it and give it the full read.
9) Panic
I really like this design but its quite hard to tell what this is promoting. The Smith's lyric 'Panic on the streets of London' made me think if a music event and then on the left hand side of the mans face there is written 'an interpretation of songs about London by 100 artists illustrations & photographers'. So once you have read the flyer you then understand what its about and it makes sense. The illustration works well too. The eye directs you to the most important information on the flyer.
10) Night Museum
Telling from the child representation this is aimed at children who are keen for an adventure. I think of the movie ' Night at the museum' when i look at this which is a children's movie about the animals coming to life at night time. The blue is stereotypically a boys colour and then the boy representation says that this is an even for boys
Takeaway Menus
I went out and collected these takeaway menus from loco fast food restaurants, Because they are all to do with food they are all pretty much actually the same. They are all trying to do the same thing and thats to attract the mass to their restaurant. Thats why I find it very hard to talk about these in depth. They are after all the same.
1) Grill Cafe
Photos of food, number on the front, delivery information. student discount. That always attracts the students. When there is a discount on something, especially food.
2) Piri Piri House
No food representations, not very loud and therefor in the situation not very appropriate for a fast food restaurant menu.
3) Flames
Fast Free delivery, representations of food
4) Lucky China
5) Nemo's Fish Bar
Another restaurant using a movie! Finding Nemo which is kids hollywood movie. Theres no food on the front which is different to the other examples.
6) Oscar
Representation of food, overall conventional leaflet. The logo looks in someway royal as if this food is indeed amazing. The yellow/ gold text connotes gold and success to say this restaurant is a huge success.
7) Mr Chans
Representation of food, overall conventional leaflet
8) Bond Pizzas
Bond pizzas.... judging by the 007 logo they mean James Bond. And by the aston martin.
9) Sicily's
10) Maxi's Pizza
MAXIS pizza, bold block capitals to attract peoples attention, in other words the menu is stating 'we are a big deal! Pizza representation on the front, what you would expect from a pizza menu. Fast free delivery, open 7 days a week. All the information you need to attract the audiences attention.
11) Shanghai
Conclusion for Takeaway Menus
Honeslty, trying to break down a fast food takeaway menu has been very hard and very depressing. Theres not a lot you can say about them as they are all (like I said at the top) made to do the same thing and thats attract people to their restaurant. Design is terrible, then again how can you make a fast food leaflet nice, if it did look really nice it probably wouldn't suit the restaurant. The Shanghai's menu is the nicest out of the lot. I does make the restaurant look nice just from the leaflet. I hate takeaway menus because of design and because my halls are littered in them.
Book Publications// Arts and Crafts & Culture
Arts & Crafts
1) Arts and Crafts 'Gardens'
Very simple photograph with text applied on top. Theres little you can say about a simplistic cover like this apart from it would appeal to the older generation.
2) Gardens of the Arts & Crafts Movement
This one is very similar to the book above apart from it looks very dated. This book looks like is was made in the early nintys. Theres something about the faded and de-saturated photograph that says that to me. I think this is because this photograph was taken with film when the other one was taken with a digital camera. The text looks dated too. However, the cover does suit the book and what the book is set out to do and thats to appeal to an audience and show simply what the content of the book is going to be about. Again, this book would be targeted at the older generations (belongers)
3) The Complete Book of Arts & Crafts
The complete book of arts and crafts, clearly aimed at small children. You can tell this from the amount of colour used and the cartoon illustration there enjoying painting. I remember as a child I never paid any attention to what the text was telling me but only the pictures.
4) Arts & Crafts Movement
Pretty boring cover, yet its to the point, its legible and conventional for the content. The title is clear and so are the sub headings and extra text. the pictures on the cover are there to give you a sneak preview of the content. aimed probably at 16 years plus for people interested in art and its movements
5) The Arts and Crafts Busy Book
Another child's book here. Starting with colour there are only a few and they both appeal to girls and boys Even thought the blue is dominating theres something about the little bits of pink that seem to stand out alot. The 'busy' suits the manic of all the people surrounding the cover, all having fun running about and drawing. Any child that looked at this wouldn't be interested in the text but only the imagery
6) ART: The Whole Story
Well, aimed at people who are interested in art and want to know 'the whole story'. the painting, called 'Son of Man' (1964) is a very popular painting and is because of this is something people can respond to and connect with. The cover is simple and well laid out. The title works very well on the man figure in the painting and the text in the left and right top corners are work well in terms of layout. With a painting on a cover you never want to obstruct it with any unnecessary text or extra imagery.
7) The Art Book
The art book is a very famous book and I'm guessing could be similar to 'Art the whole story'?. I don't know but this book is about art in general, art throughout the ages. Aimed at people who are interested in art. More to the point this would be perfect for people interested in the history of art. I am not a fan of this cover, its text based and is pretty much saying this is creative, art is creative. However it is legible and you understand what the content will be about. You couldn't imagine this cover with this same text but in a normal type face like helvetica, that would be extremely boring.
8) Lets Make Some Great Art
I like this cover, the colour, imagery and text work so well for me. VERY strong conventions with art, apart from the bird. I don't know what he's doing there. However the Mona Lisa is in the bottom left corner and she (the painting) happen to be one of the most or the most famous paintings to date in fine art/ art. Then the little pencil there, which is obviously a tool in creating a drawing or picture. I really like the text in this. It looks like it has been painted with a brush which then again has conventional conventions with art and fine art. I believe that this book publication would be aimed at teens and above, for some reason I think this book looks like it might be quite humorous. It looks playful and fun to read.
9) The Art Book For Children
Playful type but for a child I think this would be quite difficult to read, depending on the age of the child obviously but this book looks as if its aimed at children 6-10? I think in order to create a book for children theres need to be playful imagery as thats normally all they are interested in!
10) Art for Young People
The book of art for young people..rubbish title and name. How young is young exactly? This book looks almost to mature for a young person. Fair enough if this young person is 18-25, because you can class that as 'young' however. They would be interested in a book to do with art! They don't need this book to say for young people. It takes away the overall quality of it. If its for REALLY young people then the cover isn't right. this wouldn't appeal to a child audience or very young teen.
(bad quality reference)
1) Culture and Climate Change// Recording
Quite a bland and boring cover, straight to the point though and is readable and legible. The 'Climate Change' relates with the colour blue and when we think of climate change we think of rising sea waters. Down the left hand side of the book you have a selection or people who have something to do with the book. This book is directed at only people interested in this area, I will try and phase it better, only a small percentage of people will go on to read this and the book doesn't need a loud front cover as its not trying to appeal to the whole mass.
2) Corporate Culture and Performance
This cover reminds me of the greeks, the background looks like marble. I can't say a lot about his book, other than it looks like a hard read!
3) Change the Culture, Chang the Game
The first time I looked at this cover I read game and then noticed that the cover itself is like a game. Think of a table tennis table or a tennis court and look at the cover again. The middle of the book adds two sides to that book and I instantly thought of this.
4) Cultural Theory and Popular Culture
The red and black generally connotes death and darkness, danger, pain. But I doubt that this book is about this. Thinking again this book could be quite a serious one. Judging byt the huge block capitals. Colour is interesting too. The black text reads 'Theory and Culture' and the red ' Popular culture.
5) Leading in a Culture of Change
The singular man standing on a needle is possible your life in your culture and the point of him standing on a needle could be suggesting how small and insignificant we are in this world or just our culture. This book would be open to anyone who wants to learn more about about themselves.
6) Culture, Communication & Nursing
This one isn't boring, well it is but its a a lot better than the other ones. The illustrations in the front say a lot about the book. The two heads facing each other and then the symbol that we have grown to relate with sound work perfectly in relating with the title. The nursing part of it works to, not only is the blue a stereotypical colour for boys but also is associated with health and good being. The pink, stereotypical for girls, and also a calm colour.
7) Riding the Waves of Culture
Dull cover , Riding the waves of Culture. Very simplistic and to the point. This book is probably about you in your modern culture. I would say aimed at the older generation.
8) Ideas can be dangerous
This design is nice and works well with the book content. Our society today has become to realise that the yellow and black stripes mean 'Danger' or 'Warning'. The 'Culture' at the top ( therefore the title) is split in two which seem a bit pointless to me but anyway I quite like it. I thought it was CUL-TURE not CULT-URE. Unless this book is to do with the ideas cults have and how they are dangerous?
9) Culture
A book on culture! Thats all I can get from this rubbish example. The hand might be suggesting stop? or a book about rules? What you are aloud to do in a modern day culture?
10) Culture to Catwalk
Culture to Catwalk. I book about fashion and the catwalk. The cover as a total of three female model representations. The book is split up into the rule of three. Audience would simply be people interested in fashion and the catwalk, mainly a female audience. The representations on the cover is what would attract them to this book.
Conclusion for Culture
Culture is a subject where almost anyone can get involved. Its something you need to know about, especially you own one. However I find that in general the book seem very bland and boring, Almost the book is just getting straight to the point and not bothering with appearance. I'm not saying this for books about culture in general, this is my own subjective comment that is probably wrong. To be honest my example 6 & 8 work really well in communicating the audience what the book is about just through the image. When books like example 1, just don't say a a lot at all. Theres a saying 'don't judge a book by its cover'. I think i'm starting to realise that graphic designers don't take this in to hand. its all about the cover and its design.
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