Monday 16 January 2012

Set Magazine// FMP Brighton City College

This magazine I made for my Final Major Project when doing my Art Foundation at Brighton and Hove City College. This was most probably the most up and down thing I have ever done. I started with this idea and only 8 weeks to do it in. I had no idea how to use indesign and didn't know who I wanted in my magazine. But, as the weeks went on I managed to pull this more of a booklet together. 'Set Magazine portrays the passions and interests of eight people including myself and describes the love we have for them. Inspired from a one day project 'The Price of Happiness'. Set Magazine explores a variety of different art forms and how freedom, creativity and love is nurtured in these activities'. I must admit those 8 weeks were at first great fun but it soon turned into hell. Not knowing how to use indesign that well really made things hard. When the magazine was finished the first printing agency messed up and i had to go to a small organisation in Tunbridge Wells where is cost ALOT of money to get them printed. Loved the whole experience though. Learned a hell of a lot during the whole process.